So Ended A Great Love

So Ended A Great Love

So Endete Eine Liebe (Original Title)

Talleyrand and Prince von Metternich, the political advisor to the French emperor Napoleon, and the Austrian emperor Franz I, arrange a marriage between Napoleon and the Austrian archduchess Marie-Luise in order to prevent another war between Austria and France. Metternich charges the Duke of Modena, the brother of the Hungarian empress Ludovica, with getting the archduchess to consent to this marriage. The Hungarian empress hates Napoleon, because he seized the duke’s lands after his victory over Austria. Marie-Luise is thrilled to see the duke arrive at her residence, since she’s hoping to become his wife. But, in the end, she agrees to marry Napoleon to protect the dynasty and to stave off another war.

1h 34min
November 5, 1934
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